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What we would want in Super Smash Bros. 3DS

Posted on April 10, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Features

The Characters, Items, and Stages

It’s time for the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The next three sections will go on about the items I either want in the game or taken out, the stages the game should include, and of course the characters that should be playable.

• Items:

There are fifty-two items in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Like I said, the assist trophies should be taken out because I doubt the system would be able to handle so much on screen at once. Other items are either pointless (pitfall, smoke bombs?) or just repeats of other items (do we really need two hammers?). Otherwise I think the rest of the items are fine. I don’t think any more of them needed to be added to the game.

• Stages:

Many of the stages in SSBB are fun to play. There are a few, however, such as Pictochat or Flat Zone that aren’t very fun to play in and should either be revamped or taken out completely. I do hope they’ll continue to add classic stages from the older games back into further iterations of Super Smash Bros.

• Characters:

Last, but certainly not least, are the characters. Before I begin, here is a quick rundown of all the characters included in Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Captain Falcon
Diddy Kong
Donkey Kong
Ice Climbers
King Dedede

Meta Knight
Mr. Game & Watch
Pokémon Trainer
Toon Link


The characters in a Super Smash Bros game are arguably the most important aspect. After all, these characters are what players are going to be using for many years after the game’s release.

There are many characters on this list that I would love to have removed. I feel that many are clones and others aren’t very fun to use. I do know, though, that a single subtraction to this list would cause nearly every Smash Bros player would go bonkers. Even so, the bolded characters are the ones I would remove if I had the power to.

Now, I will talk about the changes I want made to some of the characters and what characters I would like added to the list.

Toon Link/Young Link

I’m not a fan of Toon Link. I think he’s a revamped version of Young Link and is even less fun to play as. What’s surprising to me is that Young Link is ripe with the potential to become the most fun and diverse character. I am of course referring to Majora’s Mask. In Majora’s Mask there are plenty of – well – masks that Link uses to transform into various beasts and help him get places.

The three masks I see being used in the game would be the Goron mask, the Zora mask, and, of course, the Fierce Deity Mask. Link would transform into these much like Zelda transforms into Sheik or Pokémon Trainer switches Pokémon. This would offer various styles of play, as each mask would have its own move set and be powerful in different ways. The one exception would be the Fierce Deity Mask, which would make more sense as a final smash.


Mario has had very little changed in his move set. I would like to see some of the suit additions from Super Mario Galaxy make it into his character’s move set in Super Smash Bros. The cloud suit could help him jump higher; he could burrow through the stage with the drill suit, and the rainbow suit could be his final smash.


For many years the Castlevania franchise was one of the prides of Nintendo. It would only make sense to include their staple character in the next Super Smash game.

Alucard would play as a fast character with decent range. I imagine as a combination of Marth and Ike. He’d have Marth’s speed and Ike’s range. His attacks would have to be subdued though, so he isn’t too powerful.


The Golden Sun series is fairly new compared to most Nintendo franchises, but it certainly deserves to shine just as much. I know most of the characters here have swords, and so to make Isaac a little different his main attack should focus mostly on his magical abilities. His final smash would involve the ability to trap a single player in vines and attack them continually.

Mega Man

No third-party character aside from Sonic the hedgehog has been asked for more. Mega Man seems like an easy fit too. He’d play more or less like Samus, utilizing his laser arm (forgive my ignorance). He’d be faster than Samus, but have less attack strength. His final smash would be a giant laser attack or something similar.


In my opinion, nobody fits the Super Smash series better than Ryu. His moves are very simple and could translate easily into the playing style of SSB. His hadoken gives him range (but limited) attack capacities and his final smash would involve a brief transformation into Evil Ryu, heightening his attack and speed.

And that’s the end! I hope you all have enjoyed reading this. I would also like to hear your thoughts on this piece. Do you have a wish list of characters or features you’d like added to the new Super Smash game?

If you have any constructive feedback on my writing, please feel free to leave that here as well. I’m always looking for ways to improve!

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