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Why Sonic drives a car in Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing

Posted on August 21, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

If there’s one thing that Sonic’s known for, it is his insane speed. However, it was decided that the character should drive a car in Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing. When it comes down to it, it does make sense that the blue hedgehog would be much too fast for the competition. Although, that’s just one of the reasons why Sonic drives a car in SEGA’s new racing title. Will Tarratt, Sumo Digital Senior Designer, provided a full explanation in a recent interview.

“The quick answer is that we did try it to start with. We knew that people would want to see that…However, he’s really quite different to all of the other vehicles and we wanted a bit of continuity…And it’s quite strange to control something quite small running around a track with cars. And then you get the problem of what happens when they hit each other. He can’t be run over by a monster truck. So what it came down is that it was more fun, it was a racing game, fundamentally everyone is in vehicles, stick Sonic in a car and it’s as much fun for the player so they don’t get confused or disoriented when they’re driving. And also, it wouldn’t be fair, the guy was way too fast when he was on his own…We’ve gone through a number of iterations…He should please with his speed in the speedster.”

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