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Why we haven’t seen the 3DS version of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Posted on October 1, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is a little more than a month away from launch. SEGA has been promoting the console versions, but we haven’t seen it running on the 3DS and Vita. What’s the holdup?

Sumo Digital executive producer Steve Lycett explained:

“On the handheld platforms, we’ve not shown anything for a couple of reasons. Mainly it’s been a question of making sure the framerate is sorted so any visuals we show are indicitive of the final game. We don’t want to show anything misleading, as if we have to pull back on detail or textures, you’d then (rightly) complain that early shots don’t match the final product.”

One interesting note: the September issue of Nintendo Power said it would have a feature on the 3DS version in its next issue. The October magazine has arrived, and… there’s nothing on it.

So hopefully we’ll see the handheld versions soon!


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