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[Wii Send-Off] NintendoEverything Staff Opinions!

Posted on November 12, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

Our Favorite First-Party Wii Games

Nintendo fans buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games. This is how it is, and this is how it has always been. Third party offerings are a nice touch, but when it comes down to it no one makes games for Nintendo consoles like Nintendo does. Here are the ten best Nintendo-published games for the Nintendo Wii on NintendoEverything.

Yea, I said “Nintendo” eight times.

Valay says… Super Mario Galaxy 2!

“For a while I probably would have chosen the original Super Mario Galaxy, but after replaying the second one, it’s clear that “2” was able to very successfully build on the foundations set by the original and take things even further. Galaxy 2 offers some of the freshest, most innovative, and entertaining experiences on the Wii – and other current-gen platforms for that matter.

And Yoshi returned! Who doesn’t like that little guy?”

Austin says… Skyward Sword!

“Absolutely Skyward Sword. I know a LOT of people strongly disagree with me on this one, but purely in terms of immeasurables (“feel”, “fun level”, etc) Skyward Sword was easily the best game I played on the Wii, including Twilight Princess, both Galaxy games, Kirby… anything! I truly believe it’s a criminally underrated game despite the fact that it’s a 93 on Metacritic, and I hope that in a few years people look back and realize how much of a gem they may have missed out on for one reason or another.”

Patrick says… Super Mario Galaxy 2!

“Why choose Super Mario Galaxy 2 over the original? Well for starters there’s no tedious hubworld to traverse, twice the amount of stars to collect and far less reliance on some of the more poorly thought out powerups. There are also plenty of nods to previous Mario games (The ghost house music, using Yoshi as a makeshift FLUDD, a whole level ripped straight from Super Mario 64…) but it still manages to feel remarkably fresh. As you’d expect from a Mario game, the platforming is excellent, and the presentation of levels as sets of different planets allows for a lot of interesting, varied challenges. And because only a small portion of the level is rendered at a time, the game manages to look almost too good for a Wii game. Most of all, Super Mario Galaxy 2 is just incredibly fun to play. Shooting through the starry sky while Mahito Yokota’s bombastic orchestral score plays will always be enjoyable, and I think Super Mario Galaxy 2 will be fondly remembered as one of the best, if not the best games on the console.”

Laura says… Twilight Princess!

“Although it is not exclusive to the Wii, I really enjoyed playing Twilight Princess on this console instead of the Gamecube. It has my all time favorite artwork of any game I have played in my entire life. The dark moody atmosphere accompanied by the equally moody soundtrack made it the best gaming experience I have had. Plus I enjoyed the entire game being flipped opposite of the Gamecube, it flowed better for me. Overall the Twilight Princess was the best Wii experience I had in the past 6 years.”

Jack says… Twilight Princess!

“In a very close race between Super Mario Galaxy 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for not only best first party Wii game, but best Wii game overall, my vote goes towards the latter. Ranking right up there in terms of temple design with any Zelda game to date, Twilight Princess not only featured a pretty large overworld to explore, but a darker, more ‘mature’ vibe than its predecessor The Wind Waker, which Nintendo received a teensy bit of flak for (which was stupid, because The Wind Waker was actually really awesome). It’s not my favorite Zelda game, but got dang it if it isn’t the most well-rounded. Quite the barnburner.”

Back to the beginning!

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