[Wii Send-Off] The Ten Biggest Disappointments on Wii

10. Mario Kart Wii
Mario Kart Wii is just one of a few games to appear on both the “most disappointing” list and the “best games” lists. What the heck is up with you guys!? Still, I can think of a few reasons why people considered this iteration of the Mario Kart series to be one of the weakest. For starters, it’s probably the one least based on skill and most based on luck of the draw with items and choice of kart. Secondly, it definitely has some of the weakest courses of the series. Beyond that… I really don’t know! Maybe one of you can tell me why this game was disappointing.

9. Wii Play
For many people, the start of Nintendo’s decline was when they began announcing all of these “Wii _______ ” games, and the culmination of them was probably Wii Play. Even by Nintendo standards, Wii Play really didn’t have too much to offer in terms of content. A few mini games here, a couple of decent local multiplayer games there… but beyond that, it was awfully empty! I think the main reason they got away with releasing it was that it was a $50 game packaged with a $40 Wiimote. So you’ve gotta ask yourself… is Wii Play worth $10!?

8. Wii Sports
Alright, I honestly can’t even defend this one for you guys. Wii Sports was a super fun game that did a fantastic job of showing off what the Wii could do! What don’t you guys like about it!? >:{

7. Madworld
For all the hype behind it, Platinum Games’ Madworld sure didn’t offer too much in terms of length. Even though the concept was cool, the art style was gritty and unique, and the actual gameplay was pretty okay, a fast player could get through the campaign in all of three hours, and the slowest player would never take longer than five. Toss in a virtual lack of multiplayer (it had a few terrible local games, but nothing worth playing) and you’ve got a $50 hype machine that– in many eyes– didn’t deliver on its lofty promises.