[Wii Send-Off] The Ten Biggest Disappointments on Wii

6. Sonic and the Black Knight
I think the reason people consider this a disappointment is mostly their own fault. As SEGA has taught us over and over and over again, you do NOT get hyped for a Sonic game. You just don’t. If you got hyped for Sonic and the Black Knight and you subsequently got let down because of it, that’s on YOU. It’s not the developer’s fault for making a bad game, it’s not the publisher’s fault for trying to hype it up– it’s YOUR fault for getting excited for a Sonic game.
When will you guys learn!?

5. Metroid: Other M
The Metroid series is one that has never really had a bad game. Sure, Metroid II on Gameboy was somewhat supbar, but beyond that the series has been known for stellar atmospheric exploration platforming and not much else… that is, until Metroid: Other M came out. Not a terrible game by conventional standards, the Team-Ninja-co-developed game took a lot of what people knew and loved about Metroid, combined it with atrocious voice acting and a story that was more unnecessary than anything, and then released a game that got people hoping for a great new 2D Metroid, only to be let down by how poorly designed parts of it were.
As far as first-party franchises go, this may be the most disappointing game ever!

4. Lack of Third Party Support
I didn’t explicitly say that this question was only about games, so when several people answered with something along the lines of “there weren’t enough games from third parties”, I knew it was important enough to be included. Indeed, the Wii was plagued not necessarily by a lack of third party support, but by a complete drought of support from multi-platform, big name games like Call of Duty, Fallout, and Grand Theft Auto. This is primarily due to the Wii’s lack of horsepower, but when you’ve got all the wonderful third party games that we did get, who can really complain!?