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Will Wright talks about the three developers he admires most: Miyamoto, Molyneux, and Sid Meier

Posted on May 9, 2013 by (@NE_Austin) in General Gaming, General Nintendo, News

“[Miyamoto] always takes the player first. Right off the bat he works with the controller, what does it feel like, how tactile and kinesthetic is what he’s working on. He works from the inside out: ‘what is the first five second player experience?’ So his games have this craftsmanship behind them that’s amazing and unique.”

“I think Peter Molyneux takes a lot of risks. He’s got this vicarious thing about dealing with little worlds full of little people which very much matches my sensibilities in a way.”

“I’ve always enjoyed [Sid Meier’s] games. His games are just playable, they’re just like a comfortable chair you sit in. I grew up playing board games, and Sid did as well. Sid in some ways is recapitulating our youth, the kind of games we would play back then.”

– Will Wright

Despite some player apprehension regarding the choice of Peter Molyneux, I think Wright has made three very good choices on an idealogical level. These three developers don’t always deliver on their promises and don’t always live up to what Wright has said about them, but when they do they truly make some fantastic games. They’re the type of people that the gaming industry should be all about!

Via Joystiq

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