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Wrestling Empire update out now (version 1.0.2), patch notes

Posted on January 31, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Wrestling Empire

MDickie recently started distribution of a new update for its 64-bit wrestling game Wrestling Empire. Version 1.0.2 contains additions such as expanded corner moves and first double-team moves, adjustments, fixes, and more.

Here are the full patch notes:

-Wider selection of corner moves includes strikes.
-Dedicated new double-team moves if 2 people grab an opponent at the same time.
-More storylines and podcast topics.
-A priority system prevents too many crowd sounds cancelling each other out in highly populated matches!
-The title theme is restored to its correct pitch after matches.
-Tag partners are not allowed to interfere so often.
-Referees follow hardcore matches out of the ring.
-Hardcore gimmicks now use more weapons.
-Team-based ironman matches now correctly identify the leader/winner.
-Facial scars don’t disappear in “First Blood” matches to help those end quicker.
-Escaping the cage is slightly easier.
-Announcers are automatically added to exhibitions to meet the quota you set in the options, and they also now appear in backstage locations.
-Using the “Hard Camera” angle backstage now faces the tunnel instead of getting stuck in it.
-Training gains use less energy.
-“Cloning” options are available during a career, and now include reverting recent changes.
-It is now possible to change your facial features during a career (at an inflated cost to imply cosmetic surgery!).-
Where the “Build” option cannot be changed, it now at least reveals your age/height/weight.
-Names that begin with “Z” are correctly alphabetized.
-Starting the game with insufficient disk space should warn the user that this is the issue, and allow the game to proceed without saving progress.
-Age ratings have been down-graded in every region, which now allows the game to be distributed in New Zealand with a 13 OFLC rating.

Wrestling Empire is out now digitally for Switch on the eShop.


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