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Xenoblade Chronicles X Desdemona, the Subterranean side quest guide

Posted on March 22, 2025 by in Guides, Switch

Xenoblade Chronicles X Desdemona Side Quest

Today, we’re continuing our early-game guide coverage for Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition with a guide for Desdemona, the Subterranean side quest. It features a fairly easy battle, but it’s actually surprisingly difficult to get to if you’re still early on in the game. Before you follow our guide, you will want to set this side quest on your tracker – that way, an icon will pop up in the overworld that will help you navigate our instructions better.

Xenoblade Chronicles X Desdemona the Subterranean

Have a look at the image above. Within the Noctilum region, you’ll come across a vine with a lower portion that splits off into a higher portion, and it’s near a giant blue mushroom. From the lower portion shown above, jump onto the big mushroom and then face roughly west. Jump over to the tree branch here – it may take a few tries since it’s a thin platform. As a general rule of thumb, your jump distance is increased when you do a dashing jump, so try that if you’re having trouble. Once you’re on the tree branch, follow it all the way to the wall. From there, inch your way south and jump up the rocks towards the quest indicator on-screen. You’ll see a tiny section of cliff that juts out, and what you want to do is initiate a dash and then immediately jump to make it to the ledge with the big spider. That big spider is Desdemona, the Subterranean, which is the monster you need to defeat for this quest. The actual battle shouldn’t be particularly difficult from there.

Our guide coverage for Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition is still just beginning, and these are only the early-game quests so far. If you want to learn more about the game, you can check out the official website for the game right here.

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