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Yaiba is Ninja Gaiden Z

Posted on September 19, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Remember Keiji Inafune’s ninja/zombie title, Yaiba? As it turns out, the game is a new Ninja Gaiden spin-off.

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is being made by Comcept, Team Ninja and Spark Unlimited. It involves action, ninja, and mecha elements. Z’s main character, “Yaiba”, is trying to track down Ryu Hayabusa.

Inafune told Tecmo Koei’s TGS conference attendees that he’s very interested in creating this title and hopes to use Ninja Gaiden Z as an example that the Japanese industry is alive and well despite what he said a few years ago.

Inafune didn’t say when Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z can be expected. Specific platforms haven’t been confirmed, but it will release on consoles.

So why are we mentioning the game here? Well, it sounds like the Wii U could be considered as one of the project’s platforms. Seeing as how Team Ninja and Tecmo Koei have a fairly strong relationship, I’d be surprised if this one didn’t end up on the system.


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