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Yet another study showcasing the benefits of playing Wii

Posted on February 25, 2010 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii

A recent study by the American Stroke Association has showcased some more interesting results about the Wii and stroke victims. A pilot study conducted among 20 stroke survivors actually showed a ‘significant improvement’ for those who played Wii over those who didn’t. Patients were subjected to playing games such as “Jenga”, “Cooking Mama”, and “Wii Tennis” over a two-week long period, and compared to those who participated in a “recreational group”.

“This is the first randomized clinical study showing that virtual reality using Wii gaming technology is feasible and safe and is potentially effective in enhancing motor function following a stroke. The beauty of virtual reality is that it applies the concept of repetitive tasks, high-intensity tasks, and task-specific activities that activates special neurons (called ‘mirror neuron system’) involved in mechanisms of cortical reorganization (brain plasticity). Effective rehabilitation calls for applying these principles.” -Gustavo Saposnik, Director of the Stroke Outcomes Research Unit, St. Michael’s Hospital

My only question? Why are they making these stroke victims play Jenga, of all games?


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