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A few more details about the new Balloon World mini-game in Super Mario Odyssey, more outfits to be added in the future

Posted on January 21, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

One of the big announcements from this month’s Nintendo Direct was news about a February update for Super Mario Odyssey. This is highlighted by the addition of the new Balloon World mini-game.

Once you complete the main story, Luigi will appear in the different kingdoms and you can partake in “Hide It” and “Find It” modes. These two let you hide and find balloons, of course.

In “Hide It”, ratings are given for:

– Amount of obtained coins
– Times you have played with the balloons

And in “Find It”, ratings are given for:

– Amount of obtained coins
– Total amount of discovered balloons
– Streak number for balloons discovered in short time

While playing Balloon World, each kingdom may have weather or time changes. For example, as shown in the Nintendo Direct Mini, New Donk City may have rain or Tostarena may have a sunset.

Balloon World isn’t the only aspect of the update, as Nintendo is introducing new outfits and Snapshot Mode filters as well. One interesting thing Nintendo states is that more costumes are planned to be added in February and beyond, so it looks like we can look forward to even more in the future.


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