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Chucklefish introduces Wargroove’s Soldier unit

Posted on December 7, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Chucklefish is sharing new information about its turn-based strategy title Wargroove. Over the next few weeks, the studio will highlighting how some of the units look across all four of the game’s different factions.

First up is the Soldier unit. Here’s the full rundown from Chucklefish:

Whilst the Cherrystone Kingdom and Felheim Legion factions have appeared extensively in our launch trailer and development streams, the Heavensong Empire and Floran Tribes have only been briefly teased. We’re excited to be able to show them off in greater detail!

The Soldier is the cheapest unit type in Wargroove, but this doesn’t mean that it isn’t useful. Soldiers have better movement range than many ground units, are able to capture structures, and their low cost means that they can be safe and cost-efficient to produce in great numbers. Their passive ability also increases their damage when adjacent to their Commander, which means that with the right amount of strategic foresight, they can be a force to be reckoned with!

Whether they’re undead, hidden behind a golden mask or even a terrifying plant-like predator, the soldier is always identifiable by their sword and shield.


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