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Ghost Police Kickstarter has a 3DS stretch goal

Posted on October 17, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News

Ghost Police, a “a non-shooting shooter” with a retro art style, is already guaranteed to happen. However, the project just recently launched a Kickstarter in hopes of adding some extra bells and whistles. One stretch goal in the campaign would allow for a 3DS version.

In Ghost Police, players manipulate the world by using a special brush of sorts. Players will be navigating two ships simultaneous through two overlapping levels of obstacles and enemies, though power-ups – which increase the size of your brush and your timer gauge – will help you along the way.

Ghost Police’s main funding goal is £10,500, and if that goal is met, Jake Kaufman will be brought in to handle the soundtrack. The 3DS stretch goal lies further out at £100,000.

You can find Ghost Police’s Kickstarter here.

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