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Kamiya would be willing to make an Okami follow-up, talks sequels, doesn’t see Bayonetta 3 happening

Posted on August 30, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U

Hideki Kamiya is the creator of Okami. It’d be difficult for him to return to the series given how he’s now with Platinum rather than Capcom, but he’d still be open to making a true sequel.

When asked by Dutch site 4Gamers if he would consider a sequel to Okami – possibly on Wii U – Kamiya responded:

“That question gets asked a lot and its something gamers clearly want, so if I am able to, I will definitely make it. But gamers want so many sequels, I don’t even know where to begin.”

Continuing on the topic of sequels, Kamiya spoke about the challenge of creating a new game in a franchise. Unused ideas from the first title can often be implemented for a follow-up. When it comes to a third entry though, you can’t take the same approach, and Kamiya believes such projects then only come about “because the fans want it.” Because of this, Kamiya doesn’t “really see a Bayonetta 3 happening in the future.”

“I don’t really have a problem with making sequels. Above all, I want to make games that are fun. This is the most important thing for me. So next to new IP’s, I also like to make sequels. The point you’re making however, is very good. With the first title of a new franchise, there are so many good ideas, so many things you want to do. Unfortunately, you can’t use all of them in the game. In the sequel, you can use cancelled ideas from the first game. I do have the feeling most of those ideas are used when you reach the third game though and that developers only make a third game because the fans want it. That’s why I don’t really see a Bayonetta 3 happening in the future. I am fortunate that I am able to create many games from scratch.”


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