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Smash Bros. Wii U “bidou” moves have some wavedashing similarities

Posted on March 24, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Wavedashing, a well-known Smash Bros. technique, hasn’t been seen since Melee. However, players are now starting to explore some “bidou” moves in the series’ latest entry that is reminiscent of it in some ways.

To execute these techniques, a Wii U Pro Controller is preferred, and most buttons need to be remapped. For the most part, it relies on pressing and holding the special move button.

Kotaku explains the benefits of bidou in a new post today:

Bidou opens up the possibility to make perfect pivots easier, pull off crouching perfect pivots, sliding spot dodges, standing dash attacks, and achieve frame accuracy on wall jump attacks. It also makes dash dancing much easier and opens up a brand new tech called “quick step,” which is an even smaller movement than the perfect pivot. What that means in short: reduced lag, better momentum control, and being able to get moves out when you need them.

Here’s a look at bidou from My Smash Corner:

A big question here is how useful bidou will be in the end. Will it be patched in the future?


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