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Ubisoft CFO says Watch_Dogs could become a ‘major series’, but the focus now is on releasing it successfully

Posted on May 16, 2014 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U

After becoming Ubisoft’s most-preordered new IP ever, CFO of the company Alain Martinez has said that he believes the game has the chance to be the start of a major new series, like Assassin’s Creed or Far Cry:

“Very clearly, the priority today is to release the game, and make it a success. Of course we believe it has the power and the potential to become a longstanding brand for Ubisoft, [but] at this stage we don’t have any announcements to make to say whether it’s going to be one, two, or three years. I think at first we have to care about making it a success.”

Ubisoft Earnings Call via Gamespot

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