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ZaciSa’s Last Stand getting a new update on Monday

Posted on August 22, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

A fairly substantial update is coming to ZaciSa’s Last Stand on Monday. The patch will make several improvements/changes, address bugs, and bring along new content.

Here’s a comprehensive overview of the update straight from ZeNfA Productions:

New Content

New Map: Twin Souls
Similar to the map Cir’ce Station, this map features two small bases circling each other eternally. If either base is destroyed, this process balance will be destroyed causing the other base to stop in it’s track and it’s ring to slow down. Due to the fast nature of the enemy, this map features the largest starting money of $1500 to get you started.

New Map: Asteroid Mining Station 2
Unlike the map above, this map is simple in comparison. However it does feature four bases this time for you to protect and each of the four corners. Will you protect all four at once or will you sacrifice the rest to save and protect one? Starting money for this map is $800.

New Background Graphics: Nebula Ka’tlTa
This map has had it’s background graphics updated to make the map look and feel more like a Nebula might look and feel. The new background is also animated and features the ability to turn off this animated background and keep it still.


Some maps such as Moon Base has had it’s starting money amount increased to allow for better game play experience. These maps were found to be too hard and rather unfair. To account for this, the starting money has been increased by at least $50 for several maps. This will ensure that starting out the player will be able to use more bot types and strategies.

Several game balance improvements have also been made. This includes reducing the cost of Drone for $300 to $200. This allows for quicker access fo the Drone and thus quicker way to partake in co-op with friends and family. Because of the drop in price and with how powerful the Drones were already, their starting base power has been greatly decreased. Though don’t worry, Drone are still a force to be reckon with. The Bot Helper has also seen a price reduction of $100 to $50 and has had it’s base Slow and Freeze abilities increased to show off their usefulness early on. The Helper’s Max Hit has also been increased to a starting amount of 2. This means the bot now impacts the enemy more often before moving onto the next available enemy. Other bots such as Cloud and Bomber has had their power upgrade amount improved as well.

The “How To Play” screen has been improved to offer more details about how the game works with extra details on what each upgrade ability does. This also includes a change to several upgrade names. For example, “Number” has been changed to “Target” to help indicate this stat is used to allow the bot to fire upon more enemies at once. “Speed” has also been changed to “Fire Rate” to help understand that this stat influences how fast the bot will fire upon the enemy.

Other changes include improved upgrade screen which has been expanded to show the current upgrade stats and their numbers. You will now be able to see directly how powerful or useful a bot is when you upgrade it. The ability to sell a bot now includes an confirmation to make sure you really wanted to sell it. The map zoom out on the Wii U’s Gamepad now allows you to zoom out all the way to see the entire battlefield. Can now drag the screen with stylus to move around the map.

Bug Fixes

Game not pausing when hitting home button has been fixed. Game will now auto pause when pushing home button and resume normally once game is resumed. This issue also sometimes caused the game to become stuck when returned, this issue will now be fixed as well.

Highscores list issue with game showing the same scores for every map and mode has been fixed. New high scores will no longer cause this issue. Because of this, added the ability to reset highscores from main menu options.

Possible game breaking bug when pushing the home button just after the map loads has been fixed.


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