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3DS rumors: Nintendo preparing right circle pad attachment, new model next year

Posted on August 22, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors

01Net has published a couple of new rumors about the 3DS. As we saw with Wii U, they have been spot on with some of their speculation, but inaccurate in some instances. With that said, don’t put too much stock into these rumors just yet.

The first rumor 01Net has shared is that the Nintendo is preparing a 3DS attachment that would act as a right analog stick. Shigeru Miyamoto has previously said that the company intentionally left out the additional circle pad because they felt that players use their fingers to play, and that would essentially replicate the same experience.

Here’s the relevant excerpt from the 01Net article:

“According to our source, right as you read those lines, Nintendo engineers are spending many sleepless nights working on an additional device, which should be sold separately for about 10 dollars. Its shape and fixation mechanism are still unknown, but it needs a tight grip on the right part of the console. Will it have to be removed everytime you want to close the 3DS?”n

The next rumor is in regards to a new 3DS model. The site claims that Nintendo will offer it next year and that it will take away some of the emphasis on 3D, sporting a new design and possibly a different name.

“This information corroborates several elements we obtained very recently from various sources. According to them, Nintendo is currently preparing a new 3DS for a 2012 release. This new version would radically tone down the whole ‘3D’ angle, with a new design and even probably a different name. In that perspective, the radical price-slashing, touted as a measure to boost sales, would also be a way to liquidate current stocks to make way for the successor…”

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime was just asked about the possibility of a new 3DS model a couple of weeks ago, though indicated that there are no immediate plans for an updated design. He told MTV Multiplayer, “We have nothing else to add at this point in terms of other form factor changes”.

So, real or fake? I definitely have doubts about the second rumor and the first bit of speculation seems off to me, but you never know…

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