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Capcom: Still no news on Ace Attorney Investigations 2 localization

Posted on February 3, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Podcast Stories

Fans may still be clamoring for Ace Attorney Investigations 2 to be brought overseas, but the game remains as a Japanese-only release. Unfortunately, Capcom’s latest update on the title isn’t too encouraging.

The possibility of Ace Attorney Investigations 2 localization was once again brought up during the most recent Ask Capcom stream. Responding to the inquiry, Capcom’s Christian Svensson noted that “there’s still no new news to share.” While he is still including Investigations 2 in proposals, “nothing has changed”.

Svensson stated:

“… in the case of Investigations 2, the answer is no, there’s still no new news to share. No movement on that front. I will only continue to say that I continue to bring it up in proposals. It continues to sit in some hoppers, but nothing is moving forward there right now at the moment. So status quo – nothing has changed.”

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