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Ubisoft has “no problem” with Wii U, not satisfied with sales, Rayman delay talk

Posted on February 21, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

Ubisoft was one of the biggest early supporters of Wii U. You could probably make a case that the publisher still is putting forth its best effort on the console by bringing titles such as Watch Dogs.

At the same time, Ubisoft has been a bit mum on Wii U as of late. It was also unexpected how the company delayed Rayman Legends on Wii U just weeks before the game was intended to ship so that it could churn out new versions at the same time.

But Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said that there is “no problem with the Wii U” while speaking with Gamekult. He also spoke about the move to push back Rayman Legends:

“No problem with the Wii U. In fact, we saw the opportunity, by giving more time, to have the best game ever made for the Wii U. Teams began to show what they made with the whole social aspect, which they will release in April. This makes it possible to make a social part which was impossible until now, and additional bosses. The goal is to make one of Ubisoft’s best games. The team is fully on Wii U to do that, but it also works on other generations, to arrive on several generations at the same time.”

Regarding Wii U sales, Guillemot noted that Ubisoft “can not say we’re satisfied”. He added that sales in the US “were good” in November and December, but took a downturn last month:

“We can not say we’re satisfied with the sales of the Wii U. They were good in the United States in November / December, but did not go well in January 2013. We’re waiting to see the evolution of things, we look at this closely.”

Source, Via

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