Hudson plans to support DSiWare, discusses lack of death match mode in Onslaught
“This was a specific design decision. Hudson’s core design philosophy prohibits explicit violence between people playing a game. I know what you’re thinking: what about Bomberman? Well, that’s because he’s a cute little cartoon character and technically, if you go way back in his history, he’s a robot. In Onslaught, it would be people shooting each other in the face with guns, which goes against our philosophy. If we could have done deathmatch in this game, we would have, and I guarantee you I’d be having a blast playing it online against you.” – Amar Gavhane, the associate brand manager over at Hudson
“[On DSiWare titles] Now, as far as which ones, that’s still TBD.” – Amar Gavhane, the associate brand manager over at Hudson