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Star Wars still a possibility for Disney Infinity

Posted on April 24, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U

Disney Infinity is, of course, a Disney product. But with the company’s acquisition of Lucasfilm, that means Star Wars could technically be included in the upcoming video games.

Disney’s Bill Roper isn’t ready to jump on the Star Wars bandwagon just yet. While Disney’s new ownership of the property is exciting and brings new possibilities, “we’re really just focused on launching this platform quickly.”

“That was definitely exciting when that [news of the acquisition] came down from within the company. We love the potential for Infinity – we always joke, well, ‘the possibilities are infinite’. For us, we’re really just focused on launching this platform quickly. We’ve got incredible IPs, and we’re showing the strength of what we’re building with the way we’ve approached the creative, where everything in the game world is toys, so we can have a Jack Sparrow next to Sulley [from Monsters] and it makes sense.”


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