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Atlus USA says it’s “business as usual” despite Index Corporation bankruptcy

Posted on June 27, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Atlus USA has sent out an official statement regarding the company’s situation in light of Index Corporation’s bankruptcy.

The publisher had only good news to report. In its remarks, Atlus said that it continues “carrying on day-to-day activities, business as usual.” As is the case in Japan, Atlus USA’s titles are still scheduled for launch on their previously-announced dates.

“Currently, Index Digital Media, Inc. and the ATLUS brand are unaffected by the Index Corporation proceedings in Japan. We’re carrying on day-to-day activities, business as usual. Shin Megami Tensei IV and Dragon’s Crown are still releasing on July 16 and August 6 respectively, and we’re licensing and publishing third-party titles such as R.I.P.D: The Game and Daylight. We want to thank all of our fans for their outpouring of support.”


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