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Scribblenauts Unmasked details

Posted on September 2, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U

More Scribblenauts Unmasked details have emerged. Today’s batch of information mainly pertains to the game’s Batcomputer.

Here’s the latest bits on Scribblenauts Unmasked:


– Game has 2,000 characters, vehicles and items f
– Over 30 Batman variations
– Over 130 Green Lanterns


– Filters objects into categories like heroes, villains, teams, vehicles and objects, and its use of hyperlinks
– Access the Batcomputer through an icon on the Wii U’s touchscreen
– Search through the DC database for the exact Superman you’re looking for
– Ex: Red Son, Darkseid Superman, Superman Red/Blue, Thought Robot, etc.
– Batcomputer offers information on some of the game’s more obscure comic book references
– Ex: evil Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan has links to other game objects, like Yellow Lantern rings, Sinestro Corps and Parallax
– The Wikipedia-like nature of the Batcomputer’s entries can lead to some deep DC references, like Mogo, The Living Planet of the Green Lantern Corps, the furry superhero team the Zoo Crew and Flash’s Cosmic Treadmill


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