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Red Steel 2 devs looking to partially “redefine the franchise”

Posted on May 18, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Red Steel 2 is, without a doubt, much different than its predecessor. The graphics, overall style, and even some gameplay mechanics have seen an overhaul. Speaking with Nintendo Power, Creative Director of Red Steel 2 Jason Vandenberghe said that the development team is “in some ways, attempting to redefine the franchise.”

“…Defining Red Steel 2 at a high level was easy. Taking all of the steps that were required to get to where I could say what I just said about the Wild West was really hard. We are, in some ways, attempting to redefine the franchise while retaining its roots. If you’re working with a movie license or a long-standing franchise, there are all these rules and constraints. It’s different for us. We are blessed with the opportunity to expand on something and take it in a cool new direction. But it’s hard.

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