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Video: Smash Bros. 3DS glitch causes items to become Maxim Tomatos

Posted on February 4, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos

How about this for a Smash Bros. glitch? Whatever is going on here causes items to become Maxim Tomatos. The items themselves function normally, but their appearance can’t be anything but a tomato.

YouTube user Leron Tolmachev says of the glitch:

This issue is currently occurring on my girlfriend’s 3DS XL. I have tried her copy of Smash Bros. in my 2DS, and it works fine, I’ve tried my copy of Smash Bros. in her 3DS and the issue only occurs on her 3DS XL with the 1.0.4 patch installed. If we uninstall the patch, the issue goes away, but reinstalling the patch causes the issue to return. I’ve factory reset the 3DS XL and formatted the SD card, but the issue persists.

Definitely one of the strangest glitches I’ve seen in a long while!


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