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Ryu, Roy leaked for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS

Posted on June 13, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U

Update 2: Here’s a complete rundown of everything leaked today:

– Ryu Classic/All-Star cleared video

– Roy Classic/All-Star cleared video

– Ryu full-render

– Roy full-render

– Roy and Ryu alt. costumes

– Lucas, Ryu, Roy stock icons

– Announcer, Kirby hats, Ryu, Roy, JPN Ryu sound files

– Lucas All-Star clear image #1

– Lucas All-Star clear image #2

– Ryu All-Star clear image #1

– Ryu All-Star clear image #2

– Roy All-Star clear image #1

– Roy All-Star clear image #2

– Lucas, Roy, Ryu Kirby hats

– Lucas special moves

– Ryu special moves

  • Neutral-B: Hadouken
  • Up-B: Shoryuken
  • Side-B: Tatsumaki
  • Down-B: Focus Attack

– Roy special moves

  • Neutral-B: Flare Blade
  • Up-B: Blazer
  • [Side-B: Double Edge Dance](?)(
  • Down-B: Counter

– Lucas Classic trophy

– Lucas All-Star trophy

– Lucas alt. trophy

– Ryu Classic trophy

– Ryu All-Star trophy

– Ryu alt. trophy

– Roy Classic trophy

– Roy All-Star trophy

– Roy alt. trophy

– Ken trophy

– Inkling trophy

– Dreamland 64 Wii U

– Heihachi from Tekken and Akira & Jacky from Virtua Fighter Mii Brawler costumes

– Zero from Mega Man X Mii Swordsman costume

– MegaMan.EXE and Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Leaf Mii Gunner costumes

– Ryu franchise icon

– Ryu’s stage from Street Fighter II


Update: The leaks aren’t done. We’re hearing about the following Mii Fighter outfits as well:

Brawler – Akira (Virtua Fighter)
Brawler – Jacky (Virtua Fighter)
Brawler – Heihachi (Tekken)
Gunner – Isabelle
Gunner – MegaMan.EXE
Swordfighter – Zero

Also added Ryu and Roy’s color variations to the gallery below.

It’s official: Ryu and Roy are coming to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS.

While the characters themselves aren’t a surprise thanks to data that previously outed their existence, confirmations of both certainly are. Clips for the two characters leaked out in the early morning about an hour or two ago. Take a look at both below.

Unfortunately for Nintendo, the leaks don’t stop at characters. We have a first look at Ryu’s stage, as well as an Inkling Girl trophy. Supposedly, Dreamland 64 is coming to both versions of Smash Bros., and new music tracks include Rhythm Heaven’s Blue Birds and Monkey Watch.

The source of the leak apparently stems from an early patch that went live in Japan. All of this content may possibly be available for download starting tomorrow!

Thanks to Timz117 and dimweat for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4

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