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Wii graphics being pushed to their “fullest potential” in FFCC: The Crystal Bearers

Posted on August 8, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Outside of first-party Nintendo titles, the Wii hasn’t been home to the most graphically superior games. MadWorld, Monster Hunter 3, and The Conduit are a few products that come to mind, but there aren’t a ton of other titles that stand out visually. However, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers’ character designer Toshiyuki Itahana believes that he’s working on one third-party game that is pushing Wii graphics to their “fullest potential.”

“We were extra careful about things like making sure to including exciting and heroic highlight scenes at regular intervals in the scenario, and using the visual capabilities of the Wii [console] to its fullest potential. Even right now, and for as long as time permits, the development team will continue to pour their efforts into the presentation and sound for a final product that looks and feels great.”

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