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The Metroid Prime series was not always planned as a trilogy

Posted on August 31, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Wii

The developers of the Metroid Prime series have revealed an interesting nugget of information about the Metroid Prime series in a recent developer’s voice interview. Believe it or not, Retro Studios wasn’t thinking about making three Prime titles when creating the first game. Rather, it was something that was planned later on.

“Trilogy was not planned as a trilogy from the beginning.” – Mike Wikan, Senior Game Designer

“When we finished the first game us and Retro, were really happy. And that was the first time we thought about making a trilogy.” – Kensuke Tanabe, Producer

This was probably the case due to the amount of doubt the first Prime title faced before release. There was much skepticism that Metroid Prime could handle a successful transition from 2D to 3D in a first-person view. That obviously wasn’t the case, however, and Retro Studios went on to make two more games – Both of which were received very well by fans.

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