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Rumor: Factor 5 Wii titles to be finished in 2009

Posted on September 12, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii


Factor 5, in the minds of many Wii owners, will most likely always be remembered for their rumored involvement with the revival of Kid Icarus. Yet in the past few months, the possibility that the company has been working on a new Pilotwings game has seemed more likely. There’s a bit of additional speculation about Factor 5 today, though.

Factor 5 is said to have been working on two Wii projects most recently. And apparently, development on both games will be wrapped up by year’s end. Only one of the titles has a publisher right now, however.

There’s also one other piece of interesting news. Although it’s almost a year old, two Wii-exclusive projects were found in an October 2008 listing of a client record from Digital Development Management. Even more intriguing is that Nintendo was listed as the publisher of one of the unannounced titles. As far as the genre goes, it’s action, flight, RPG, or adventure. Perhaps that Nintendo-published game may have been referring to a Pilotwings for Wii.

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