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7 for ’10: Rising Star Games unveils stunning 2010 first-quarter line-up

Posted on November 24, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

Biggest year ever for the home of Japanese games as Fragile Dreams, Rune Factory Frontier and the staggeringly brilliant Half-Minute Hero bag European release dates
21 November 2009 – Rising Star Games, Europe’s most prolific publisher of Japanese-originated games, will begin 2010 with a bang, as the publisher announces its first eight titles for its first quarter of next year.??

Rising Star Games’ first-quarter releases – confirmed to Hoshi members ( HYPERLINK “” “_new” last night – cover all formats and all genres. Including one title from affiliate label Gamebridge, the release schedule offers staggering diversity, and include the firm’s first Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 titles.

“With seven games released from February to April, we’re about to embark on Rising Star Games’ busiest period to date,” says Martin Defries, managing director, Rising Star Games. “And it’s a real case of quality and quantity – with Fragile Dreams (the title known as ‘Fragile’ in Japan), Half-Minute Hero and our first PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 titles, it’ll be a brilliant start to what will be our best year ever.”??

Highlights from February include the mind-meltingly mental Half-Minute Hero on PlayStation Portable. This brilliantly original title fuses classic gaming mechanics with bite-sized 30-second gaming to create one of the format’s most audacious twists on the RPG genre. Animal Kororo, a ludicrously cute puzzle game will be published on DS.

March sees the release of Fragile Dreams, one of 2010’s most anticipated Wii titles. A game of unrivalled atmosphere, charm and beauty, it looks set to be the format’s definitive entry into the adventure genre. Avalon Code, My World My Way and Rune Factory Frontier complete a busy month for Rising Star Games.??

Gambridge titles include February’s Way of the Samurai 3, which sees Rising Star Games debut on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The Way of the Samurai series has been hugely popular in Japan, and this latest incarnation marks its most accessible outing yet. With an engrossing storyline which sprawls across ancient Japan, this historic action adventure marks the first appearance of the series on next-generation home consoles.??

Rising Star Games 2010 release schedule so far:??

February 2010

• Animal Kororo (NDS)?
• Half-Minute Hero (PSP)
• Way of the Samurai 3 (Gambridge, Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3)??

March 2010

• Avalon Code (NDS)?
• Fragile Dreams (Nintendo Wii)
• My World My Way (NDS)?
• Rune Factory Frontier (Nintendo Wii)??

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