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Pachter responds to Reggie’s Wii HD denial, still thinks it’s coming

Posted on December 6, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Over the past few months, Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aime and Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter have had an ongoing verbal bout of sorts. Pachter has been claiming that a Wii HD is on the way, but a few weeks ago, Fils-Aime flat-out denied any plans for such a console to be released. On the November episode of GTTV, he stated:

“You know, Michael continues to be the only one who believes that this is gonna happen. I don’t know how forcefully we can say there is no Wii HD.”

Even with those remarks from Reggie, though, Pachter still believes that an HD version of the Wii is coming. On the latest episode of the Bonus Round, Pachter said:

“Reggie and I have a good cop, bad cop relationship. So I just keep saying yes, he keeps saying no…I know nothing, it makes rational business sense for them to introduce and soon, and I think they will introduce it and soon. 2010…Wii Plus…Yup [it is coming].”

Source 1, Source 2

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