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Iwata wants high resolution graphics/motion sensor for next DS, assures Zelda Wii release this year, and more

Posted on January 6, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

Iwata spoke with the Asahi Shimbun in a recent interview and spoke about a number of topics from the next DS to Zelda Wii. We’ve summed up the information below.

Next DS

– Iwata wants high resolution image output, motion sensor
– Won’t discuss any sort of time frame for release
– “DS saw its highest sales in North America in 2009”

Current DS

– Iwata interested in expanding partnership with McDonalds to other shops


– Iwata says Wii “has started to accelerate again”
– “In North American and Japan, we recorded the highest system sales for the past three years.”
– Games for the Wii Vitality Sensor will be announced in July, wants to release it as soon as possible
– Iwata also says Zelda Wii will be released before the end of 2010

Thanks to Nathan P for the news tip!

Source 1, Source 2

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