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More Sonic Colors details

Posted on June 4, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

This information comes from Nintendo Power…

– Dr. Robotnik has pulled the planets together with a tractor beam, transforming them into an amusement park
– Go from planet to planet
– Can choose which planet to visit from a world-map screen
– Sometimes have freedom of where to go to next
– Tropical Resort Zone: Neon lights, water fountains, spotlights, Giant Ferris wheels, Dr. Robotnik’s voice can be heard on the PA system
– At the end of the sage, the Ferris wheel turns into a robot
– Sweet Mountain Zone: Donuts, pancakes, other food, use the drill to go through
– At the end of each level, Sonic steps on a button to free Wisps from a metal capsule
– At least 8 planets
– Consistent frame rate
– Upbeat, jazzy soundtrack
– Bosses from the Wii game will appear in the background of the DS version and vice versa
– Globe-like robot boss battle in DS version

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