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Pokemon GO estimated to surpass $1 billion in revenue before year’s end

Posted on August 15, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News

When we last heard about Pokemon GO’s revenue milestone, the game was sitting at $250 million. App Annie now believes it “will breeze past $350 million in consumer spending across iOS and Google Play in the coming days.” App Annie VP of marketing and communications Fabien-Pierre Nicolas further adds that “the game is on pace to exceed our $1 billion prediction from early July and surpass any previous mobile game yearly revenues.” Putting that number into perspective, the app could exceed worldwide box-office numbers for Captain America: Civil War, which is 2016’s highest-grossing film thus far.

App Annie’s latest report also goes into user statistics once again. Pokemon GO is the leading game across all demographic segments of iPhone users in the United States, though it’s doing best with the 13–24 segment (top 20 for all apps). As the average player is three times as likely to use Twitch, Steam and Clash Royale, it’s a sign that core players make up a strong segment of the overall demographic.


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