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Sonic Colors details

Posted on July 21, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii

This information comes from producer of Sonic Colors, Keith Dywer…

– Game is almost complete
– Team putting on finishing touches/bug testing
– After Sonic Unleashed and The Black Knight were finished, the concept from Sonic Colors may have been created
– Supposed to be building on the best of Sonic Unleashed, but team doesn’t want for it to be Unleashed Lite
– Not too many cutscenes
– On Wisps talking: “Yes and no”
– Different scenarios for Wii/DS versions
– Knuckles won’t be appearing in the game.- Game is very near completion, they are now finishing touches and bug testing.
– May have been conceptualized when Sonic Unleashed and Black Knight were finished.
– Build on the best of Sonic Unleashed, but it’s not intended to be simply Unleashed Lite.
– Story is canon to the main Sonic series.
– The game won’t have an overload of cutscenes.
– When asked if the Wisps could talk, he said “Yes and no”.
– Wii and DS versions will have different scenarios.
– Knuckles not in the game

Source 1, Source 2

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