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GameStop: Switch seeing “incredibly strong” demand, Zelda has near one-to-one attach rate

Posted on March 23, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

GameStop has once again commented on the performance of Switch. Speaking with investors today, COO Tony Bartel spoke about how there is “incredibly strong” demand for the system.

On the software front, Switch is also doing well. Consumers appear to be buying lots of games, and Zelda: Breath of the Wild almost has a one-to-one attach rate.

Bartel said:

“The demand is incredibly strong for this. As soon as we get it into our stores, it’s out within hours. So we anticipate we’re going to be chasing supply this entire year.”

“The other thing is, every game that’s out there, to have over a five and a half attach rate to this, signifies that a lot of people are finding this a great platform and they’re picking up any games that they can. I mean, we have almost a one-to-one attach of Zelda.”


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