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Long lines form for Super Famicom Mini pre-orders in Japan

Posted on September 18, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Pre-orders for the Super Famicom Mini opened in Japan this past weekend. Just like what we’ve seen with Switch lotteries, chaos erupted. Kotaku puts it all into perspective with some snapshots taken by consumers on Twitter.

First up, roughly forty people were lined up at one Yodobashi Camera in Yokohama:

Long lines also formed at the Yodobashi Camera in Osaka’s Umeda, even reaching 227 people by 6:30 AM:

Despite it being a rainy morning in Osaka, people still turned out, and in some places, even camped out:

Another 300 people lined up in Kawasaki by about 8:20 AM:

Another long line could be found in Akihabara. Apparently the Yodobashi Camera below saw 800 people waiting.

Another report claimed that a Yodobashi Camera at Shinjuku’s West Entrance had as many as 1,000 people line up. However, only 400 people would be accommodated.

Fans also lined up in rural areas of Japan, though the lines were smaller. The store below only saw sixteen people on line for pre-orders:

Finally, some additional line photos:


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