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Kingdom Hearts Re:coded special talk revealed

Posted on October 7, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Videos

For one reason or another, Square Enix continues to yank these videos off YouTube, but we’ve got it right here for you. Additionally, you can check out a transcript of the secret talk after the break in the event we need to remove the video as well.

Mickey: Yen Sid, sir! It looks like we finally know where Ven’s heart is.
Yen Sid: Is that so… so now the only one left is Terra.
Mickey: Yes. We’ll help them out for sure!
Yen Sid: Then next, I wonder what Xehanort is doing.
Mickey: Xehanort? I’m sure Sora defeated the Heartless, Ansem, and the Nobody, Xemnas, that he split into.
Yen Sid: Yes, those two certainly disappeared. But, for those two to have disappeared, it means that the true form, Xehanort, has been restored.
Mickey: Heh?!
Yen Sid: If one frees the heart that was taken by the Heartless, and annihilates the flesh which had become the Nobody, the two will become one once more. Which means… the return of Master Xehanort.
Mickey: So, he’s taking some kind of action?
Yen Sid: Xehanort is a man of many schemes.
Mickey: But, even if a crisis comes again, Sora, and me, and Riku are here.
Yen Sid: They are certainly strong. But we only have one Master. If… Xehanort was not alone…
Mickey: Heh?! What do you mean?
Yen Sid: Very well. Call Sora here to me. And, Riku too.
Mickey: What on Earth…
Yen Sid: We will hold a Mark of Mastery Test.


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