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Developer thinks that next gen of consoles will eliminate discs altogether

Posted on October 28, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

“Let’s be honest, a lot of us have got smart phones. I can’t remember the last time I went into a shop to buy an iPhone game, and I haven’t missed it. In fact I’ve got lots of iPhone games and I’m quite happy. But the next range of consoles that will be out in the next five years, why would any of those need physical media? Why would they want physical media? If you’ve got it physically and you trade it, the hardware manufacturer just lost out, big time. When they produce their next console – let’s call it Sony Next, it could be any platform holder Next – if they make it only a digital store, they absolutely control everything. Pricing, their margins, you can’t trade it second hand. Their logistics and overheads come down considerably. The cost of manufacture of the original console comes down considerably. The reliability goes through the roof because there are no moving parts. Why would they not?” – Blitz Games Studios CEO Philip Oliver

I’m going to be very, very upset if we lose physical media altogether, and the sad part is that I can definitely see it happening. Sony already went that direction with the PSPGo, Microsoft has expressed interest in doing the same, and Apple is already 100% digital. I will say, however, that Nintendo has said that they like to keep physical media as opposed to downloadable content, which is good. We’ll see…


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