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Kingdom Hearts 3D’s story is on par with the numbered titles, will contain a shocking ending

Posted on December 22, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News

We don’t really know much about Kingdom Hearts 3D. A trailer was shown at E3, but it was never released online for all to see. Tetsuya Nomura has only shared a few details about the project – mainly that the game will feature all new Disney worlds. Thanks to issue 262 of Nintendo Power, though, more information has been revealed. Nomura told the magazine that the game’s story will be on par with the numbered titles and that the secret ending will contain “shocking statements and dialogue.”

“Kingdom Hearts III and Kingdom Hearts 3D are not the same. However, it is a brand-new adventure starring Sora and Riku. The story is on par with that of a numbered title, and I’m sure the ending will shock fans.”

Nomura also stated that the ending in Kingdom Hearts Re:coded relates to 3D:

“There is a hint regarding Kingdom Hearts 3D in the secret movie [of Re:coded]. Players will find out once they see for themselves, but the movie includes some shocking statements and dialogue that pertains to Kingdom Hearts 3D, so it’s definitely worth watching!”

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