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Ono very open to possibility of Street Fighter x Tekken 3DS

Posted on March 24, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

This information comes from Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono…

“As far as fighting games are concerned, we’ve come a long way. It used to be that you had to go to an arcade machine, pay money and play it. Then it came to home console and you could play it in front of your TV. Now you can play Super Street Fighter IV anywhere if you’ve got a 3DS. I think that’s an amazing thing. The next step would be to have Street Fighter x Tekken, which is the celebration of all top fighting gamers’ dreams in one, to be on 3DS, where you can play anywhere you want. That’s an ultimate idea. Personally speaking, it should happen. We should probably start making more noise about this. But officially, nothing has been considered yet.”

If Super Street Fighter IV 3D sells well and the fans ask for Street Fighter x Tekken, I don’t why a 3DS version wouldn’t be possible. Ono also really sounds interesting in making a version for Nintendo’s portable, so it’d be great if the title was announced for the 3DS in the future…


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