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Pokemon Masters: launch celebration event now live: bonus Gems, guaranteed 5-star paid scout and more

Posted on August 29, 2019 by (@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News

Pokemon Masters is now available on smart devices. A launch celebration event has begun to commemorate the occasion. First up, there’s a one-time log-in bonus of 1000 Gems; an additional 200 Gems can be earned once per day for ten days by logging in. Finally, a set of launch celebration missions are available that give you a variety of items as rewards. All of these will be available until October 17.

Additionally, a special sync pair scout is now available to celebrate the launch of the game. This is 10x sync pair scout that guarantees you a 5-star sync pair. However, you can only use paid Gems for this scout. The scout will be available until November 28.

If you want to purchase paid Gems, special Gem sets are now available at a discounted price; each of them can only be purchased once per player. You can buy 1600, 3200 and 5200 Gems. The price may vary depending on your country and your operating system.

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