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Iwata: Consumers want to purchase the 3DS, but aren’t motivated to do so now

Posted on April 27, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

This information comes from Satoru Iwata…

“And, this is the final proposition. It is clear from our market research that many people feel that they ‘want’ and ‘want to buy’ Nintendo 3DS, and the latest demand for this device is the largest in comparison with our previous new platforms at the time of their launches, but on the other hand, there is a big proposition that not that many people believe ‘Now is the time to buy it!’ The penetration will not gain speed without overcoming this challenge. After all, the way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate ‘what kind of games can be played,’ as long as Nintendo 3DS is a gaming device. There might be consumers who are interested in Nintendo 3DS, but they are unable to find software which they want to play, and they are in the ‘wait-and-see mode,’ so I would like to inform you of the launch dates of software titles in Japan.”

I think there are a number of factors influencing the slow sales start for the 3DS. Some elements are under Nintendo’s control – such as the rather bland launch lineup – and then there are outside circumstances, like the earthquake in Japan. In any case, I imagine that things will pick up once the eShop launches along with other 3DS features, and when we start seeing some truly stellar titles for the platform.


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