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Story of Seasons devs talks about the possibility of more remakes

Posted on May 9, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

A little while back, Dengeki Online spoke with Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town director Hikaru Nakano and producer Dai Takemura. The possibility of additional remakes was discussed during the discussion.

Switch already has a remake of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, which was released as Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town in 2020. Nakano personally expressed interest in bringing back the likes of Harvest Moon 64, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, and Harvest Moon DS. 

Our full translation is below: 

Are there any plans for other remakes or will that depend on the fan response to this title (Pioneers of Olive Town)?

Takemura: I’d say that’s the most important thing for us to keep making new games. After Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, producing Pioneers of Olive Town also felt like we were also in part also returning to the series’ roots. On the road to making something new, remakes are also a possibility.

Putting aside things like schedules, are there any other titles you’d like to remake with current technology?

Nakano: For me personally it would be titles like Harvest Moon 64, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, and Harvest Moon DS. So much more has become possible thanks to modern hardware performance and technology and I’d like to see what we can show off with it.

As a reminder, Story of Seasons is the new title for the Harvest Moon games that were originally made by Marvelous. Natsume only owns the ‘Harvest Moon’ name in the west. Although Story of Seasons is the series as we’ve come to know it and simply has a new title, Natsume has continued with its own farming sim games since 2014 starting with Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley. Much like Friends of Mineral Town, any future remakes would adopt the Story of Seasons name.

Big thanks to centurionnugget and Jarop for contributing to this post.

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