Fire Emblem Heroes adding Ótr: Kingsbrother as new Mythic Hero
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced Ótr: Kingsbrother for Fire Emblem Heroes. The character will be appearing as the mobile game’s latest Mythic Hero. Tyler Shamy is behind the voice while Kozaki Yusuke is the leading artist here. We’ll also mention that Ótr’s learnable skills include Auto-Lofnheiðr, Brutal Shell, G Duel Cavalry 4, Flow Refresh 3, and Atk/Def Menace.
During the event, other characters will be appearing as well, so that’s something players will want to keep an eye on.
Ótr: Kingsbrother will be added to Fire Emblem Heroes as a new Mythic Hero on September 30. We have a trailer for the character below.
Earlier in the month, Fire Emblem Heroes held an Abyss & Múspell summoning event. It included Yuri: Ashen Valiant (voiced by Alejandro Saab and art by Saori Toyota), Constance: Fallen Noble (voiced by Kristen Day, art by yoshihisa), Hapi: Drawn-Out Sigh (voiced by Christine Marie Cabanos, art by Hirooka Masaki), and Múspell: Flame God (voiced by Jason Charles Miller, art by Suzuhito Yasuda). “Deceit” was also added as a new story chapter. For more information about Abyss & Múspell, head on over here.
Fire Emblem Heroes is currently available on mobile devices for iOS and Android.