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2D platformer Pompom announced for Switch

Posted on January 28, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Publisher PID Games and developer Tomo Camp have announced that the upcoming platformer Pompom will be released on Switch. The project is currently targeting a 2022 release.

While Pompom stars a hamster as its main character, you don’t control it directly. You instead control everything else in the stage, whether it’s laying down bricks, spring, cannons, and umbrellas. It’s ultimately about altering the world to create a safe path to help Pompom defeat the evil Captain Cat.

By defeating enemies and collecting items, you can use those items and interact with the world. Items include cannons that you can fly out of, ropes to swing on, vines to slash, the ability to freeze time, and more.

In terms of general features, Pompom will have eight worlds to explore. Areas include beaches full of flying fish, to ancient temples inside deep jungles, and even outer space. You’ll jump on flying fish, dodge arrows, dispel vengeful spirits, swim past piranhas, battle flying saucers, and more.

Finally, here’s a brief overview of the story:

One day Pompom was working up a sweat on his hamster wheel, when Hoshi the boy burst into the room, showing a hand of beautiful jewels that fell from the sky with a great ‘BOOM’. Suddenly, Captain Cat & his crew appeared into the room, kidnapping Hoshi into a portal to space. Now Pompom must go on an adventure to save his boy Hoshi from the eight Space Cat Pirates!

Take a look at a trailer for Pompom below.

Pompom will be sold digitally for Switch via the eShop. We’ll pass along the release date once it’s announced.

Source: PID Games PR

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