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Pokemon Masters EX – Legendary Arena adds Uxie and Allister Spotlight Scout live now

Posted on October 22, 2021 by (@brodee922) in Mobile

A new battle area has been added to Pokemon Masters EX – the Legendary Arena with Uxie. There are corresponding missions that go along with this battle area that can be completed to earn exclusive Medals. This area will be accessible until November 4, 2021 at 10:59pm PT. 

Also added today is the Spotlight Scout featuring the five star sync pair Allister & Gengar. This sync pair will have an increased chance of being scouted during this spotlight, and Allister & Gengar are powerful additions because they can use Max Moves during battle. This Spotlight Scout will last until November 7, 2021 at 10:59pm PT, so don’t miss out!

More specific information about the Uxie Legendary event can be found below 2 (including tips on how to defeat Uxie):

Legendary Arena Uxie Strategy Tips:

Since Uxie has the Healthy Advantage Passive Skill for HP Bar 1, the damage it receives from moves and Sync Moves will be reduced when it is not affected by a status condition.
For HP Bar 2, Uxie has the Acute Senses Passive Skill, so the damage it receives from moves and Sync Moves will be reduced when it is not affected by a status change.
For HP Bar 3, it has both of these Passive Skills.
Try to inflict status conditions during HP Bar 1, status changes during HP Bar 2, and both during HP Bar 3 before attacking.

On Hard difficulty or higher, the following effects will be removed when Uxie’s HP falls below a certain amount during each of its HP Bars.
HP Bar 1: Status conditions (such as Burning or Poison)
HP Bar 2: Status changes (such as Flinching, Confusion, or Trapped)
HP Bar 3: Both of the above

On all difficulty levels, Uxie’s Passive Skill Lessen Affliction 1 will raise its resistance to a status condition each time that condition is removed, and its Passive Skill Lessen Interference 3 will raise its resistance to an interference each time that interference is removed.
Try to battle using as many different types of status conditions and status changes as you can.

HP Bar 1

  • Use Morty (Fall 2021) & Banette’s Will-O-Wisp to leave your opponent burned, then attack with Ghost-type moves!
  • On Very Hard difficulty battles, Uxie will apply the Special Damage Reduction field effect, so use special attack moves with raised critical-hit rates or physical attack moves!
  • You can raise your critical-hit rate with Kiawe & Marowak’s Dancing Fever! and Fantina & Mismagius’s Dance with Me!
  • Use Kiawe & Marowak’s Shadow Bone to lower your opponent’s Defense and deal more damage with physical attack moves.

Recommended Sync Pairs and Tactics

  • #1: Kiawe & Marowak
  • #2: Fantina & Mismagius
  • #3: Morty (Fall 2021) & Banette

HP Bar 2

  • Use Selene & Decidueye’s Spirit Shackle to apply the Restrain effect, or use Acerola (Fall 2020) & Mimikyu’s Passive Skill Criticonfuse 9 to leave them Confused before attacking with Ghost-type moves!
  • Use Acerola (Fall 2020) & Mimikyu’s Opportunistic 9 Passive Skill to lower your opponent’s Defense and deal more damage with physical attack moves.

Recommended Sync Pairs and Tactics

  • #1: Phoebe & Dusknoir*
  • #2: Selene & Decidueye*
  • #3: Acerola (Fall 2020) & Mimikyu

HP Bar 3

  • Use Allister & Gengar’s Sludge Bomb to leave your opponent Poisoned, then use G-Max Terror to apply the Restrain effect before attacking with Ghost-type moves!
  • On Very Hard difficulty battles, Uxie will apply the Physical Damage Reduction field effect and raise Defense, so try using special attack moves!
  • Uxie will use its powerful Thunder attack when its HP drops to half or below. You can protect yourself with Piers & Obstagoon’s Obstruct!

Recommended Sync Pairs and Tactics: Option 1

  • #1: Piers & Obstagoon
  • #2: Sygna Suit Elesa & Rotom
  • #3: Allister & Gengar

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