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Nintendo news coming from Captivate 2012?

Posted on April 9, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors

Capcom usually has at least one Nintendo game announcement or update to share at Captivate. In 2011, for instance, we received a new trailer and screenshots for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D.

It looks like things will be no different this year.

When asked if some of tomorrow’s “Capcom goodness” will be Nintendo-related, IGN editor Rich George said,

“There will be something that interests you, I think.”

You know what would be nice? A Monster Hunter Tri G localization announcement.

We’ll be here tomorrow morning at 11 AM of course, so stay tuned for any announcements – assuming there are any! We’ll definitely have a huge update on Gaming Everything as well.


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